Who I am has not changed since the start of this course..however, the way I look at things has seemed to change somewhat. In my youth I was one to constantly judge people by the way they look or the way act but since then I have learned that it's what inside that makes a person up. Even if someone makes a ludicrous comment I won't be quick to put them in the "dislike" cluster of my brain but rather give them the benefit of the doubt. It gets hard at that point but I stick with my morals that I have learned growing up and especially throughout high school. There are those people that are simply heartless and don't care about other people besides themselves. It is painful to be around people like that which is why try my best to steer clear and not get entangled in that.
The main thing I feel has changed is how much I have learned to appreciate my life. This course was eye opening to the poverty in the world and the extreme wealth in our country. I find that it is easy to relate sociology to anything in everyday conversation. I was even able to use it in a class discussion on a book we read in English. Even though we don't have tests in this course I feel like I have learned the most out of any of my other classes. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it but I bring up sociology and that just goes to show how much I have learned. It makes me feel good too when the rest of my family is having an intelligent conversation and finally I can incorporate my own ideas based on this course and not sound like an idiot because what I have to say is actually intellectual.
Throughout each of the units I gained more and more knowledge of not only sociology in America but around the world. I'm glad how we went through each base of sociology and not just one branch. It was extremely interesting to me and has even made me reconsider my major in college, of which I am still undecided. The service project allowed me to get involved in community service for a purpose and unlike NHS not just to get the required hours.
As a female I feel stronger about representing my gender and doing what I want to. We all know there are acts of deviance socially unacceptable...but those things are what make people who they are. I will continue to act the way I act in public because that is who I am and no snooty rich lady can stop me. This class has been one of the best experiences at this high school and I'm so glad I had the chance to take it. Thanks Sal! :)
i agree with relating sociology to conversation because now i can handle a situation so differently