Thursday, September 10, 2009

Service Project

Thinking about the service project sparked my plans for other volunteer opportunites I take part in outside of the required hours. In the past years I have participated in the Brain Tumor Walk, the Breast Cancer walk, and the Diabetes walk. All three have huge significance to me: one of my best friend's mom's died of a brain tumor, my mom had breast cancer, and my dad's best friend has diabetes alon with several of my relatives. I participate in these walks because I want to help research get that much closer to helping those people with loved ones in trouble. That is why I also attend the spirit walk at our school every year because when the whole community comes together it really makes a difference. The past two years I have also been a part of relay for life. This upcoming relay for life walk I will once again be a captain and do my best to get as many people as possible contributing to the cause. I know my friends will help because they have seen first hand how hard it is to deal with cancer in a family. Also, in June, my friends and I are planning on participating in the breast cancer 3-day because we will be 18 and are finally allowed to. I'm looking forward to that a lot not only because it is helping a cause but also because an experience like that will make me stronger as a person. These are just the plans I have now, who knows what else will come about that I want to be a part of. I really do enjoy this kind of volunteer work and will do it without having to be asked to.

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