The whole even with the members of the plane that crashed reminds me very much of a book we had to read of the summer for English. The book is called Life of Pi and it deals with a boy who gets stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with 4 animals: an orangutan, a zebra, a hyena, and a tiger. At first no one interacts with one another but eventually the hyena gets aggressive. He attacks the poor zebra (who just so happened to have a broken leg) and literally eats the zebra alive. I guess he picked the zebra because it was hurt, weak, and was going to die first anyway. Next the orangutan got in a fight with the hyena and in the end the hyena won and was feeling all high and mighty. Finally the tiger came out of hiding and demolished the hyena. He ended up enjoying his meal of hyena for dinner. Throughout the whole rest of the time the boy had to find food for him and tiger. They caught fish, turtles, and used the emergency food aboard the lifeboat. You could say this relates to the plane crash incident because in both cases the mode of transportation crashes and leaves the passengers stranded. Also in both cases the "survivors" are forced to eat those that were previously traveling with them. Yes, animals may not have the same morals as humans, but they still killed to survive. This was just interesting to me because it shows how humans and animals have the same intentions when it comes to life.
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